I never meant to have such a long break...
This year seems to have been a series of full on moments, one after another, and we've been swept along, enjoying the ride, and at times just managing to keep up, or stop and look around as we pass along...
One of us turned 5 in a rainbow coloured event, complete with rainbow cake. One of us turned 80 with a small family gathering to mark the occasion. There have been weekends away. And lots of visitors that have come to stay, talk, walk, eat, and laugh with. A new baby entered the family. Friends had babies as well! There are design commissions submitted, started, and focus now completely atuned to getting finished. There are more design submissions I need to submit. An article needs to be written. A school play was rehearsed, and performed. A fete was attended, an art show prepared for and attended. A large quilt, a very detailed large quilt, has been drafted and pieces have been cut and sewing has started on it. Christmas decorations have been started, waiting now for finishing touches and a special craft room lunch to give them away at. Christmas shopping has commenced, and is nearly done. Fabric has been dyed, and supplies for printing that fabric have been bought. Holidays have been booked. A major project has been done by an 8 year old for school and on Monday I get to see and hear him present it to other parents and students [he made a model lego Lancaster Bomber and it looks fabulous...interpretive...but fabulous]. We've attended more birthday parties than I care to acknowledge. We've taken day trips to Outpost and loved the artwork there, the installation pieces, and the atmosphere. And we've welcomed two new pets - stick insects reared in the preschool classroom - into our home. I've spent hours in the garden repotting, replanting, and trying to save bushes that looked like they were dying. I've rejoiced as those same bushes have sprung back to life, full of scented blooms or rich in new leaf growth. I've ordered new books, and got inspired all over again to make stuff...soon...if I get a moment. I've read - lots of books about all sorts of things and finally jumped on board the Kindle bandwagon and love the ease with which I can use it, take it with me, and have on demand books. I took part in a 10k run and while I could have done better, I was pleased to have done it and completed it. One child has done Kindergarten orintation, and a new school uniform has been purchased.
I'm sure there is more that we've done...and I'm sure the day to day stuff doesn't need to be said. I have two tired children coming to the end of a school year, and two adults in the house looking forward to a christmas break, holidays, and time away as a family together.
i | top image - decorations for a decoration swap
ii| bottom image - christmas wreath in progress - it needs a large bow of some sort to finish it